officemax-business-logo-380*304The Pearl District OfficeMax just finished a remodel, but this is different from any other OfficeMax renovation. The new concept is called, “OfficeMax Business Solutions Center,” and Portland’s Pearl District is the first to try this concept. Within the center is locally based community centric events, for business owners of all sizes.

On Tuesday, May 21, OfficeMax will be fulfilling its new idea with an event geared towards small business owners. The event, dubbed, “Free SEO Small Business” will be a non-technical way for folks to gain valuable SEO insights. David Mihm, Director of Local Search Strategy for SEOmoz, Inc., will be the unique host. It’s specially for small business owners because the SEO tips will be local search specific, for example, topics like Geo searching and Google Places will be discussed.

The Pearl District OfficeMax was renovated with small businesses in mind. Everything from the inventory, to the store’s layout has a thought in mind. OfficeMax recognizes the value of America’s small business community, and is proudly testing this pilot store here in Portland.

To RSVP for this event contact Prischilla Hernandez:


Phone: (312) 368-7539




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