The experiment to use pay-by-phone parking meters, comes from Atlanta based Parkmobile, and already operates in some 100 U.S. cities. If the system is a success it could easily expand to other parts of Portland. Cheryl Kuck, of the Portland Bureau of Transportation, says “we want to make parking as simple as possible.” This would eliminate the need to stickers, coin-ops, and pulling out your credit card. You can also add time remotely, by calling from your phone (please note: you must move your car across the street in order to stay longer than the stated sign). Text message alerts will be delivered to drivers who are nearing their time payed. Here in the Northwest, where it rains nearly year-round, this system has huge potential. Washington DC has decided to adopt the system with just a summer’s pilot. Portland is expected to pilot for 90 days.

Stay tuned.

[via The Oregonian]

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